Lord my savior, hollowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
thank you so much for providing so much for all of us
and constantly forgiving us our sin despite of our short coming.
Give us faith and strength to forgive our debtors and love each other even in very difficult time.
Let us not rely on our physical ability, but help us to trust you with all our heart.
Please, lead us from the temptation and deliver us from the evil one.
For thine is kingdom, power and glory, amen.
thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
thank you so much for providing so much for all of us
and constantly forgiving us our sin despite of our short coming.
Give us faith and strength to forgive our debtors and love each other even in very difficult time.
Let us not rely on our physical ability, but help us to trust you with all our heart.
Please, lead us from the temptation and deliver us from the evil one.
For thine is kingdom, power and glory, amen.
I look back this year of 2007, it is one of the most meaningful years of my life. Graduation and wedding, so many of new and fresh starts. However, as much eventful as it was, this year was the least productive year for me in some aspects.
돌아보면 2007년은 내게 의미있는 한해였다. 졸업에 결혼에 모든게 새로운 한해였다. 하지만 한편으로는 올해 처럼 실속없이 보낸 해도 있었다 싶다.
For this reason, 2008 means a lot to me. My new years resolutions are...
그래서 2008년은 내게 더욱더 의미가 깊은 한해 이겠다. 몇가지 내 자신에게 바라는게 있다면...
1) restore relationship with God - for I turned my back from him so many times
1) 조금더 하나님께 다가가기 - 그동안 너무나 멀어져 버린 나이기에
2) be better to shrie - I always complaint that it is unfair, but after all... she is one of the best ever happen to me in my life! I once thought even if I lose everything, she is enough for me for she is the best gift ever given to me from our Lord... what happened to me?
2) 아가씨에게 좀더 잘하기 - 불공평하다고 불평을 늘어놓은 나이지만, 무었보다도 하나님께서 내게 주신 큰 은혜가 아닌가? 다 잃어도 충분하다고 여겼던 마음은 어딜 간거지?
3) no more procrastinating - no excuses... just do it!
3) 미루지 않기 - 더 이상 할말이 없다. 속전속결, 오늘 할일을 내일로 미루지 않기.
4) reset the bio-clock! - perhaps the most challenging part of my daily life... be sharp!
4) 규칙적인 생활 습관 - 아마도 가장 어려운것 중 하나가 아닐까 쉽다. 칼같이 시간 지키기.
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