The news said it will only get colder from today. I keep thinking this is nothing cf. to St. Louis, yet I just couldn't think of washing cars in colder whether. Black cars takes forever to wash and clean. No need to think twice, 速戰速決 is the roughneck style.
I just pulled the infiniti to the drive way and sprayed the water, next I saw tofu pulling to the curve side. "Hey..." it is always good to see tofu. For almost 5 months, haven't seen him... I was being anti-social for awhile. Had few chats and asking how each others doing, tofu took off to take care of errands and I... of course... went back to car wash. We just told each other to call for dinner together.
Today's dinner was tofu's
pick suggestion and my pick - Ramen Haru. I thought it was much more authentic than Kahu's. I tried Haru Ramen... and good stuff. We stopped by quickly to grab some teas (I couldn't get the hot passion fruit milk tea, which I tried to order... cuz I missed shrie orz). I also ordered crispy chicken (which wasn't very crispy...orz...that's strike 2 for me). As usual, tofu commented: "you're crazy, man... and you just ate." 이런걸 가지고 놀라다니... 후후... 얼마전까진이 2배도 먹었었다고! (쳇, 자랑할게 아니쟎냐!)
we swing by
tofu’s tofu & danae's new place. Man, I can't wait until you two get together and live in the same house! I'm very happy for you and hope to hear the bell soon! (in Korean, I'd tell you tofu, I can't wait till eating noodle for the good day!).
Thanks to tofu, I had wonderful time and shook up some crumbles away. Alright tofu, keep pray for me; I'll be the tough man not a tofu(豆腐)man!
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