Thursday, December 27, 2007

Gospel permeates every aspect of your life

2007 is full of news in my life. In May, I finished the school, and I married dream-girl (haha) in June. In July, a new family member was introduced to our home, and August we went to Tahiti for our honeymoon trip... and now in December, for the first time as a married couple, shrie and I celebrate Christmas together... only over thousands miles between us (and through skype).

The new member of my family is the one that I want to begin today's posting. In July, shrie and I adopted a 6 weeks old female Siberian husky. She was a tiny and shy puppy who was smaller than my flip-flops and was afraid of everything. She was light brown/tan colour, so we named her cocoa. She now became a naughty 32LB husky who loves to run, dig, and play fetch. We love her so much, but once a while (in truth... most of time) she is hyper and out of control... We tried so hard to discipline her; we scold her, use dog treats, or even imitate dog-whispererTM. But taming her is just one tough mother job.

The main point of the story is not that cocoa is one naughty dog, but that no matter what WE LOVE HER. We love her regardless of her behavior and we continually love her and provide her needs no matter what. How well she listens to us or she does something for us is far out of context. We simply just love her as a family member and someone who is in our care! Isn't that the same for how God loves us regardless of what we do for Him. If I can love and provide for cocoa how much more God would do for me and us!

I've been going to church for awhile, but sometimes I forget the very essence of Christian life or even what the gospel is all about. Well, it was good thing that I visited pastor Ray's archive [R. Chang. The True Gospel: 2007 October 7th sermon. Available at]. Followings are some memo from P. Ray's message.

Let's begin with what is gospel... Gospel literally means Good News in Greek. The essence of Gospel is who Jesus is, which is what we proclaim and where our faith lies onto. But the good news isn't really good news to some. Because, without it (accepting the message) there is no salvation. Plus, how we accept the message is as important as whether we accept it or reject it.

Many of us think of salvation as a very individualized salvation. It is more like after-life insurance; where we think we pay our dues then it is guaranteed. If that's true 1) it is more like the work 2) what's that to do with faith at all 3) where the mercy & grace hold their place?

Mercy and grace is an important trait of the gospel. We call our salvation (and all the things that God does for us) is merciful and gracious, because we simply and truthfully don't deserve it! We follow the commandments because we already received the mercy and grace; not the other way!

If we do the work and live purpose, at the same time, expect to receive the salvation at the end... something is entirely obscured. We believe not to be more religious and follow the path of self-justification, but to focus more on the relationship with God and relationship with others.

Repent! Repent not just our sin, but for the obscured reasons for our so-called good deeds (more coming later). Idolatry is not just worshiping other gods, figures, or whatever we think it is... but also placing ourselves, our ego before God. We are not and should not be the center of the universe. The truth is we, all of us are inadequate (and that's why it is mercy & grace).

Then how do we distinguish the true altruistic vs self-centered moralists' action? Pharisees taught to judge by external behavior without reflecting on internal motive. Selflessness? What is sin? It is any action or thought of something against God. Not just behavior, but also the motive. And regardless of its degree, it takes one sin to break the relationship with God. After all, worship of selfness may be the worst idolatry and the most often practiced one.

Talking about good and evil, our God's scale is not about relativism. Saying "I'm a pretty good person cf. to most criminals or average citizens" would not do much. It has to be the absolute scale.

Remember, we sin because it is our very nature; not just we chose to do so. We're born with separation from God already. Sin permeates. One sin, almost always, leads to another one. The wage of sin is death. We are born in the state of rejecting God already, too!

God does not dwells in mutual relationship. God loves us unconditionally & equally regardless of our offering. Amnesty between God & us? He substitute himself for us! Gospel = center piece = essence = Jesus Christ = our foundation. People have problems with christians who does not follow Jesus.

Jews rejection of Jesus as the Messiah [read Isaiah 55]. Key idea is not just he died, but sufferred & humiliated for us. You can denied the historical truth. We call it gospel, the good news. News means to report what already happened; not merely what happened to Jesus, but what happened to him as who he was and how he died.

Remember the Gospel - God chooses to accept the least = truly inadequate. Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15:8, and least of all, as to the 'child' untimely born, he appeared to me also.

'More you accumulate, more empty you become'. But by giving and through sharing, you'll be filled. We live in grace filled life, not by performance based life. Your gratitude reflects the generosity of the giver! How truly have you transformed because of the Gospel of Christ? Which permeates every aspect of your life!

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